Rosenfeld, M. J.

Rosenfeld, M. J. (2005). A critique of Exchange Theory in mate selection. American Journal of Sociology, 110(5), 1284-1325. doi:10.1086/428441

According to the status-caste exchange theory, in interracial marriages, one partner’s socioeconomic status is exchanged for the other’s racial caste status. The author reviews the contradictory literature on the theory, focusing on the intermarriage between Black and Whites. The author proposes three explanations.

First, inequality between Blacks and Whites has masked intermarriage’s actual status homogamy.

Second, gender differences among young couples have been misconstrued as racial exchanges.

Third, the empirical evidence for status-caste exchange is inconclusive.

As a result, the author concludes in favor of the simpler tabular analyses and calls into question the status-caste exchange theory.