What Are Personal Identity and Social Identity?

Personal, social, and cultural identities, along with more specific kinds like sexual or gender identity, are essential constituencies of an individual’s identity. All these are about how people are aware of themselves, but they differ in the attributes that represent each … Continue reading

What Are Cultural Stereotypes?

The article explains how social categorization, intergroup comparison, group identification, and outgroup bias shape cultural stereotypes. Social Identity Theory Social identity theory is a good explanatory framework for many things in our social cognitions, relationships, and behaviors. The concepts of … Continue reading

Who Is a Multicultural Person?

The article describes studies showing how multicultural communities and cultural mixing foster the formation of a multicultural mind and a multicultural person. Intercultural Encounters and Cultural Mixing Inter-cultural connections and cultural mixing in multicultural countries, states, and residential areas are … Continue reading

What is multicultural in culturally diverse societies?

In multicultural societies, people can be in various connections, interactions, and relationships with each other and with other cultural groups. They can coexist in peace or in tension, subordinate cultural groups or respect cultural equality. Cultures and people in multicultural … Continue reading

What Is Multicultural Identity?

In daily life, people frequently need to answer questions about their race, ethnicity, nationality, social class, gender, and age. To those who ask, it looks like a simple question. However, it is less simple for people to answer. Many people … Continue reading

What Is a Multicultural Community?

People in the modern world are exposed to a variety of cultures, some of which are more or less compatible with one another. Many countries have mixed cultures that shape multicultural people and mixed cultural identities. These mixed cultures are … Continue reading

What Is Multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism in a society is not simply the presence of various cultural groups living in a country but also the manifestation of positive attitudes by the society and its people towards individuals of other cultures. Such multicultural societies acknowledge and … Continue reading

What Is the Multicultural Diversity of Countries?

Cultures are commonly associated with certain territories and countries. These are national cultures. And cultural borders are viewed as clearly recognizable national, state, or tribal boundaries. These are not quite correct representations of what cultures are. Multicultural diversity exists in … Continue reading

The Regional Diversity of Countries

What are the national cultures? Does any regional diversity exist in the national cultures? Or are they homogeneous in their national cultures? National cultures are the cultures that people from specific countries living in certain territories have in common with … Continue reading

Cultural and Individual in Cross-cultural Comparisons

Many countries around the world have a diverse population in terms of races, ethnicities, religions, languages, and historical and cultural backgrounds of the people living in their territories. So, researchers widely investigate cross-cultural comparisons. Even though people in many countries … Continue reading