Why Do Loving People Share Beds?

PDF Version. People loving each other often sleep together. Many social animals and humans live in groups and sleep together in groups, families, or in pairs. Why is that? Such co-sleeping could be evolutionarily beneficial in several regards, both physiologically, … Continue reading

Love and Co-Sleeping in Childhood

PDF Version. Sharing a bed with another individual is commonly associated with love and loving. Like other animals that live in groups, many humans sleep together, although this can vary based on culture and age. In many cultures, co-sleeping, or … Continue reading

Love as Affiliation: Who Crave for It, Who Doesn’t

PDF Version Many people, as social animals, experience the need for love as longing for affiliation with others. Why do some men and women experience this need for connection more intensely than others? Why do some crave affiliation in love … Continue reading

A Towering Figure in the Study of Love: Obituary for Helen Fisher

PDF version Helen Fisher, one of the towering figures in the study of love, passed away on August 17, 2024, in New York, United States. She was trained as a biological anthropologist, mainly at Rutgers University, New Jersey. She used … Continue reading

How to Love When You Experience Insecure Attachment?

Developing and maintaining a relationship with a significant other is difficult since many of us are dealing with high personal stress, anxiety, and psychological insecurity. We all want to feel satisfied with our relationship with our partner. But what if … Continue reading

How Our Brain Can Love for Years

People have a very basic need for love, which affects both their bodies and minds. We need to love someone and be loved by someone. People from different cultures and situations may experience and show love in different ways. However, … Continue reading

Happy People, Happy Relationships

Long-standing cultural ideologies of love have encouraged men and women to fall in love, get married, and spend their lives happily with their spouses. In recent decades, the modern culture of relationships has evolved and transformed into new forms. Traditional … Continue reading

The Need to Belong: Individual and Cultural Perspectives

The “need to belong” is, at its core, a desire to feel loved and accepted. And all men and women have such needs and strive to fulfill them in their relationships with caregivers. Infants, from the early days of their … Continue reading