Did Love Exist in Ancient Aryan Culture?

The cultural connotations of the word “Aryan” can be different. Many of us might recall the popular modern name “Aryan.” Some may think of the word in association with the notion of white racial superiority, which is incorrect. However, few … Continue reading

What Was Surprising About Ancient Hebrew Love?

Love has been an enduring Hebrew idea since Biblical times. What about romantic love? What do the Old and New Testaments tell us about it? A Hebrew word for “love” is אהבה (ahavah, pronounced ah-ha-VAH), while a Biblical Hebrew word … Continue reading

The Cultural History of Erotic Love

The term “erotic” is derived from the Greek word eros (érōs). The ancient Greek word “eros” was first used to describe a desire for beauty and an appreciation of art (Lomas, 2018). “Erotic love” refers to the perception of a … Continue reading

Erotic Love in Cultures Around the World

Many laypeople and academics are interested in sexual and erotic themes. The topics of this kind are related to how people experience and express love. As I said in another article, love and sex are intimately interconnected and sometimes difficult … Continue reading

Did Personal Beauty Matter in Sexual Selection among Savages?

Modern theories of sexual selection have stressed the importance of physical beauty for mating preferences in contemporary societies. However, according to early studies, physical appearance is of greater importance for men looking for women than for women looking for men. … Continue reading

Did Individual Preferences Play any Role in Primitive Savage Courtships?

Modern courtship and dating allow men and women to choose a mate for marriage and family life. Contemporary people may think marriage has always been this way. It may then be interesting to learn how ancient savages loved, courted, and … Continue reading

The Primitive Courtships of Savages

Courtship and dating were modern rituals that enabled men and women to choose a mate or partner for marriage and family life (Karandashev, 2017). Sometimes, one may think that these marital practices have always been this way. So, it may … Continue reading

“Capture” Type of Courtship Among Savages

Anthropologists have always been interested in whether savage people experienced love and what kinds of courtship practices and sexual relationships they had. In the 20th century, the studies of love in many remote tribal societies around the world have made … Continue reading

Love among Savages

The questions of great anthropological interest are whether the savages of the old times loved; what kind of love and sexual relations they had; and how they loved each other. Cultural anthropology of the 20th century has made tremendous progress … Continue reading

How Nigerian Education Changed Love in West Africa in the First Half of the 20th Century

The cultural evolution of love in West Africa in the first half of the 20th century occurred. The increasing urbanization of society and its major cities, such as Lagos, Ibadan, Onitsha, Port Harcourt, and other southern Nigerian cities, and their … Continue reading