The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 2, How to Find Her

The Roman poet Ovid is well-known for his trilogy “Ars Amatoria,” which English-speaking scholars are familiar with as “The Art of Love.” The poems in these books of ancient Rome gave men and women practical advice on how to make … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 1, What Is “His Task”

Many love scholars have heard of Ovid, the Roman poet of the ancient Roman Empire.He is famous for his series of three books, “Ars Amatoria” (The Art of Love). The books presented the poems with practical advice for men and … Continue reading

What Did Ovid Advise on the Art of Making Love?

The Roman poet of the ancient Roman Empire is well known by many love scholars for his “Ars Amatoria” (The Art of Love)-an instructional series in three books of poems about what is love and how to make love with … Continue reading

Love in the Aryan Caste Culture

In scholarly literature, the term “Aryan culture” has frequently referred to the “Indo-European” cultures of the past associated with ancient Indo-Iranian languages. These prehistoric cultures existed many centuries ago. The Indo-Aryan migration occurred approximately between 2000 and 1500 BCE. The … Continue reading

How Romantic Was the Ancient Aryan Love?

The term “Aryan culture” refers to the ancient cultural civilizations that existed many centuries ago. The word “Aryan” was often used interchangeably with “Indo-European” to mean Indo-Iranian languages. Here I will talk about Aryan love. Who Were the Aryans? In … Continue reading

Did Love Exist in Ancient Aryan Culture?

The cultural connotations of the word “Aryan” can be different. Many of us might recall the popular modern name “Aryan.” Some may think of the word in association with the notion of white racial superiority, which is incorrect. However, few … Continue reading

Emoji Love and Other Emotions in the Virtual World

In modern culture, it seems easy to guess what “heart” and especially “red heart” mean. Guess what? Love! So, the corresponding symbols are common in modern virtual world. The emoji ❤️ adopted the same meaning social media messages. The red heart … Continue reading

The Irresistible Attraction of Hugging in Love

Physical attraction and physical interaction of different kinds seem naturally involved in love relationships. Kissing, cuddling, and hugging are commonly associated with loving behavior. Why so? Is it culturally universal? Let us see why, for many loving and loved people, … Continue reading

Love Is Not So Blind as Many Might Think

Romantic lovers are not so blind in their perception of their loved ones. It was found that they can pretty accurately judge the abilities of their significant others. Some may believe that their partner knows them better than they know … Continue reading