Traditional Polygyny in African Marriages in the 20th Century

Love, sex, and marriages in Africa are topics of special interest for scholars and the public worldwide. These emotional and relational aspects of African life differ significantly from those of many other cultures around the world (Karandashev, 2017). And we … Continue reading

Indigenous Love in Africa in the Mid-20th Century

The African continent is home to culturally diverse ethnic groups of people. This diversity can be evident in differences between countries, within countries, and from tribe to tribe within and between countries. A variety of cultural norms and practices co-exist … Continue reading

What Is Attractive About Your Body? Cultural Standards of Physical Beauty Across the World

Throughout the history of human societies, the images of beauty and physical attractiveness of human faces and bodies have been pervasive in art, sculpture, poetry, and songs in the diversity of their forms. Some of them were erotic and sexually … Continue reading

Physically Attractive Men and Women in Different Cultures

Many men and women expect to get into mating or sexual relationships with partners who are “physically attractive,” “looking good enough,” or at least “not bad looking.” Many cultures recognize the cultural significance of women’s feminine beauty to men. Nevertheless, … Continue reading

Does Physical Beauty Matter for Sexual Attraction?

Many people in the world are obsessed with the desire to look beautiful. The ideas of beauty and physical attractiveness have been persistent in art, sculpture, poetry, and songs throughout centuries of human civilization. In recent times, books, magazines, movies, … Continue reading

Researchers Found More Hormones of Love

Romantic love has an adaptive function in human evolution. It increases reproductive success in sexual relations between men and women through the hormone of love. The evolution of animal and human bonding results in the evolution of love hormones. When … Continue reading

The New Marital Aspiration of Brazilian Companionate Love

Traditional gender roles in marriage, familism, and respectful relationships are the cultural values that Brazilian couples strive to live by in cooperation and trust. In many families, husband and wife coexist as partners bound together by their family responsibilities, fulfillment … Continue reading

Brazilian Companionate Love and Marriage

The courtship process for Brazilians is often full of exciting and romantic feelings, conversations, and events. Yet, due to the differences in gender roles, these experiences have different meanings and feelings for men and women. How do Brazilian companionate love … Continue reading

What Is Special About Brazilian Love and Courtship?

What is love for Brazilians? A wide range of mental associations may come to the mind of a Brazilian woman or man when they hear the word “amor.” These can be various feelings, emotions, images, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and actions … Continue reading

The Extraverted Character of Brazilian Love

Brazilian society has had an intriguing history of multiple social factors that have shaped its modern culture. Among those were the European conquests and immigration of the past centuries. Social life, interpersonal relationships, and love have experienced cultural evolution through … Continue reading