Are You Prone to Parasocial Love?

PDF version. The term “parasocial love” refers to a psychological experience of admiration toward another person with whom we have no real relationship. Besides, another person may be unaware of our existence. It turns out that some individuals tend to … Continue reading

A New Study Reveals the Best Ways to Indicate Romantic Commitment Online

PDF version. How do you know that your partner is committed to your relationship based on social media communication? Research findings indicate that the strongest signs of romantic commitment on social media are actions that deliberately oppose engaging with appealing … Continue reading

Polyamory Appears to Be a New Form of Love

PDF version. There is some evidence that polyamory appears to be a novel alternative to traditional monogamous romantic love. Polyamory is on the rise in many modern societies. Why so? Let’s consider what Americans think about polyamory and polygamy. What … Continue reading

How Our Perception Tricks Us When We Are in Love

PDF version. How can we know if someone loves us or at least finds us attractive? There are certain verbal and non-verbal expressions and behaviors that we recognize as mutual attraction (Karandashev, 2024). However, our perception when we are in … Continue reading

Attitudes toward Cleanliness and Wastefulness in Bicultural Marriages in Japan

PDF version. Couples in bicultural marriages face numerous challenges when trying to sustain love. Some practical issues, such as attitudes toward cleanliness and wastefulness, can play a very important role in bicultural marriages in Japan. In one of my previous … Continue reading

How Sensitivity and Humility Work in Bicultural Marriages in Japan

PDF version. Intercultural partners encounter numerous challenges when attempting to find and maintain love in a bicultural marriage. For example, culturally specific attitudes towards sensitivity and humility are crucial in bicultural marriages in Japan. In one of the previous articles, … Continue reading

Can Touch and Intimacy Sustain Love in Bicultural Marriages in Japan?

PDF version. In bicultural marriages, intercultural partners face numerous obstacles when trying to establish and maintain love. For example, culturally specific attitudes towards touch and intimacy are important to sustain love in bicultural marriages in Japan. I went over the … Continue reading

How to Better Communicate with Your Dating Partner in the Digital Era: Should You Text or Talk?

PDF version. In modern digital life, romantic partners have different means and possibilities to communicate. In their relationships, they can talk to each other in person or just communicate by exchanging text messages. It can be hard to decide whether … Continue reading

In Ghanaian Culture, Love Is Helping and Caring for Others

Many studies have shown that despite cross-cultural similarities, cultural conceptions of love vary across societies (see, for review, Karandashev, 2019; 2022). Culture influences how individuals experience and express love, as well as social norms prevalent among communities (Fiske & Taylor, … Continue reading

Ghanaian Love Meets the Needs of Close Others

Modern Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic cultures commonly perceive material relationships and love relationships as existing in distinct and even opposing realms. However, in numerous other societies, expressing love typically involves providing material resources to family members and other … Continue reading