The Modern Evolution of Marriages in Pakistan

Traditional marriage and family in Pakistan functioned through the customary type of arranged marriages. These were mostly endogamous marriages, in which parents or other senior family members arranged marriages between men and women within the same extended family, clan, local … Continue reading

Traditional Marriage in Pakistan

For centuries, traditional marriages in Pakistan have functioned in the culturally customary manner of arranged marriages. These were primarily endogamous unions, in which spouses were married within an extended family, clan, or tribe. Parents or other senior members of the … Continue reading

Consanguineous Marriages in Pakistan

Through the centuries, the traditions of marriage in Pakistan have been maintained in the culturally routine ways of arranged marriages. These were largely endogamous marriages. Parents or other senior relatives in the family arranged the marriages of men and women … Continue reading

Cultural and Religious Significance of Arranged Pakistani Marriages

Pakistani culture is the cultural values, norms, and practices that people follow in Pakistan as well as in the populations scattered in other countries whose origins lie in Pakistan. Pakistan is a Muslim society with a traditional collectivistic organization that … Continue reading

Islamic Arranged Marriages

Islamic arranged marriages have been a traditional type of marriage in Muslim countries for centuries. They are still widespread in the Muslim world and among Muslim emigrants in many other countries. What Is an Marriage? An arranged marriage is one … Continue reading

Collectivistic Values of Arranged Marriages

The practices of arranged marriages have been common in many traditional collectivistic societies in the past. They are still performed in certain old-fashioned cultural communities in India, China, Muslin societies, and some other countries. What Are Arranged Marriages? Arranged marriage … Continue reading

Arranged Marriages in India

In traditional arranged marriages, the bride and the groom have limited possibilities in making their choice of whom to marry and how the wedding is planned. Other family members, religious leaders, community elders, or special matchmakers choose a good match … Continue reading

Cultural Traditions of Arranged Marriages

Throughout history, arranged marriages of various kinds have been common in many traditional societies of the Western and Eastern cultures, as well as in other parts of the world (Karandashev, 2017). Why Did People Agree to Arranged marriages? This sort … Continue reading

Societies Favorable to Intercultural Marriages

In the modern world of increased social mobility and mass migration, many countries have become very multicultural. Subsequently, new mixed cultures with blended communities have been developed in many regions. Some workplaces, public spaces, and residential areas have become spots … Continue reading

Consanguineous Marriages for Cultural Homogeneity Preservation

Throughout the history of human civilizations, endogamy—the custom of marriages within communities of tribes, clans, extended families, and kin—has been common in many societies. These were consanguineous marriages between men and women who were closely related to each other. These … Continue reading