When We Are in Love, We Have Irrational Thinking

For many people, romantic love appears to be an enchanting and mysterious emotional experience. It seems to be something irrational and inexplicable. People are curious about the secrets of love, yet not many scholars dare to rationally explain or scientifically … Continue reading

Love Destiny Across Cultures

Is love really our destiny in life? What do different cultural beliefs tell us about love destiny? Our love destiny is likely to be our fate for life. Love is a mysterious and unknown force that many cultural traditions consider … Continue reading

The Science of Love at First Sight

Romantic love has been traditionally portrayed as a mysterious, inexplicable bond between two people—a man and a woman. It is a feeling that can’t be explained by logic or rational thought. Love emerges from the heart, not from the head. … Continue reading

The Mystery of Love at First Sight

Through the centuries, love has been depicted as a mysterious, incomprehensible connection between two people. It is a sense that defies logic, reason, or reasonable thought. The mysterious feeling of “love at first sight” is a wonderful example of such … Continue reading

The Mystery of Love

Romantic love has been widely depicted across centuries as mystery, magic, and the mysterious chemistry between individuals. Many people believe that the secrets of romantic love are beyond our comprehension, rationality, and reasoning. Their beliefs in love admit irrationality of … Continue reading

The Story of How Love Conquered Marriage

Love and marriage have, for centuries, been separate realms of human existence. Love was for aesthetic exploration, observational enjoyment, and entertainment, while marriage was the condition of social life. Kings, queens, and aristocracies of the past could sometimes afford to … Continue reading

What Is “Love Marriage”?

Love marriage is a marital relationship that is based on interpersonal love attraction. Men and women experience love attraction for each other and they rely on it in their decisions to marry. Love marriage assumes a mutual desire for a … Continue reading

The Evolution of Marriage: From Arranged Marriages to Love Marriages

The cultural evolution of marriage coincides with the evolution of societies from traditional collectivistic societies to modern individualistic societies. Increased social mobility, economic wealth, and other ecological, economic, and social factors all contributed to this evolution. All these circumstances of … Continue reading

Modernization Theory of Social Evolution

Modernization theory states that traditional societies grow into societies of the modern type as they adopt modern values, institutions, norms, rules of law, and social practices. Social modernization is usually associated with economic development, social wealth, and political power. Citizens … Continue reading