What Is a Multicultural Community?

People in the modern world are exposed to a variety of cultures, some of which are more or less compatible with one another. Many countries have mixed cultures that shape multicultural people and mixed cultural identities. These mixed cultures are … Continue reading

What Is Multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism in a society is not simply the presence of various cultural groups living in a country but also the manifestation of positive attitudes by the society and its people towards individuals of other cultures. Such multicultural societies acknowledge and … Continue reading

What Is the Multicultural Diversity of Countries?

Cultures are commonly associated with certain territories and countries. These are national cultures. And cultural borders are viewed as clearly recognizable national, state, or tribal boundaries. These are not quite correct representations of what cultures are. Multicultural diversity exists in … Continue reading

Cultural and Individual in Cross-cultural Comparisons

Many countries around the world have a diverse population in terms of races, ethnicities, religions, languages, and historical and cultural backgrounds of the people living in their territories. So, researchers widely investigate cross-cultural comparisons. Even though people in many countries … Continue reading

The Cultures Beyond the Global Western and Eastern Societies

For a very long time, scholars interested in cultures and their comparison have focused on Western and Eastern societies as distinctively different types of cultures. Such a cultural dichotomy was simple and easy to understand and explain in terms of … Continue reading

The Diversity of Western and Eastern Cultures

For a long time, the cultural distinction between Western and Eastern cultures has been the subject of public debate and academic study. Western cultures have usually been thought of as those of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the … Continue reading

Cultural Proxemics and the Immediacy of Interpersonal Communication

Humans are territorial species, even though their notions of territorial space and proxemics are different from many other animals and vary between hunter-gatherer and agricultural societies. Humans, as social animals, tend to form a sense of in-groups and out-groups, as … Continue reading

What Is Closeness in a Relationship? It Is Culturally Diverse.

Scholars and laypeople frequently refer to psychological closeness in interpersonal relationships as “intimacy.” It might be either physical or emotional proximity, or their combination. It can be bodily, sexual, physical, emotional, or intellectual. The understanding of intimacy is also culturally … Continue reading