The Chivalrous Poetry of French Troubadours

The cultural idea of chivalry describes the chivalrous code of interpersonal attitudes that medieval knights were supposed to demonstrate towards women. These chivalrous ideas and norms of gallant behavior created a new culture of love. Many people think that the … Continue reading

The Gallantry of Chivalry in the Art of Love

The term “chivalry” refers to the rules of behavior that knights in medieval Europe were supposed to follow in their interpersonal relationships. The chivalry of the medieval times brought the gallantry of courtly love as a great romantic invention in the … Continue reading

The Spanish and German Medieval Stories of Militant Chivalry

The concept of chivalry usually refers to chivalrous codes of behavior that knights and gentlemen of medieval Europe should demonstrate in their social interactions. In the time period of about 1170 to 1220 CE, knights created the social rules of … Continue reading

Medieval Chivalry of Courtly Love, Part 1

What is chivalry? The word “chivalry” may have several connotations in our minds. The idea of chivalry is closely associated with chivalrous codes of the behavior that knights and gentlemen ought to exhibit in social relationships with other noble people. … Continue reading

Loving Kindness and Benevolence

Loving kindness and benevolence are the greatest needs that people have to live healthy and happily. Love finds expression in acts of kindness, and acts of kindness foster the growth of love. In recent years, the concept of “loving kindness” … Continue reading

The Benevolence of True Love: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

The feelings, thoughts, and acts of doing good for the one you love are a feature central to the concept of love across many different cultures and historic eras of humankind. According to many studies, the benevolence of love might … Continue reading

What Is Altruism? A Cross-Cultural Perspective

To put it briefly, altruism is feeling empathy and caring about others’ well-being despite our own interests, without expecting anything in return. In true love, lovers are altruistic: they passionately strive to do anything good for their beloved, even sacrificing … Continue reading

How Altruistic Are Chinese Attitudes in Love Relationships?

The concepts of altruism and altruistic love are well known to Western and Eastern scholars and the educated public. Ideas of selfless, altruistic love can be traced back to ancient times in many cultures of the world, specifically in Western … Continue reading

How Altruistic Are Western Attitudes in Love Relationships?

The Christian ideals of agape, which have been prevalent in Western cultures, placed a greater emphasis on the value of altruistic agape love as opposed to passionate Eros love. Passionate Versus Altruistic Love On the one hand, the experience of … Continue reading

The Chinese Culture of Altruistic Love

Western scholars and the educated public are well familiar with the concepts of altruism and altruistic love. In the ancient Greek philosophy, the word “agape” defined this kind of altruistic, selfless, and all-giving love. Later, Christian teachings elevated the concept … Continue reading