The Christian Culture of Altruistic Love

Being originated from the ancient Greek philosophy, the word “agape” defining this kind of selfless and all-giving love, elevated in Christian teachings as the universal love of mankind, the love for all and for everyone. The core feature of agape … Continue reading

How Kindness Makes People Healthier

Kindness is at the foundation of what it means to love someone. Being kind is an essential expression of love for another person. In general, acts of kindness and love help us maintain and cultivate happy and healthy relationships with … Continue reading

The Benefits of Kindness for the Kind and Loving Person

The core quality of love is kindness. Being kind to someone else is an act of love. Overall, kindness and love strengthen our positive social connections. All the kind things that we do for other people make them feel good. … Continue reading

How Kind Love Can Make Your Relationships Better

Kindness in interpersonal relationships is very important for people to strengthen their positive social connections and daily love. Such loving kindness makes it easier for individuals to get along with each other. Being kind to someone else is an important … Continue reading

How Love Kindness Makes You Feel Good

Simple kindness toward another person is an important act of love. Kindness is a form of love because it includes the desire for good and positive consequences for the loved person. These kinds of motivations and actions strengthen love as … Continue reading

Psychology Love Tricks in Ovid’s Art of Love, Parts 18-19

The “Ars Amatoria” teach men how psychology love tricks can aid in relationship affairs with women. Surprisingly, being pale, flexible, and wary of friends increases the likelihood of success in a relationship with a woman.  The Roman poet Ovid of … Continue reading

How Tears, Kisses, and Taking the Lead Help in the Art of Love, Part 17

The “Ars Amatoria” advised men on how tears, kisses, and taking the lead can aid in love affairs. These actions were important in the art of love to win a woman. The Roman poet Ovid, who lived in the second … Continue reading

How to Make Promises and Deceive: The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 16

“Ars Amatoria” advised men on how to make promises and deceive a woman to seduce her. In the ancient Roman art of love, this was seen as a valuable skill in love affairs, among others. Ovid, the Roman poet of … Continue reading

How to Captivate a Woman with Personal Charm at Dinner: The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 15

Roman culture can teach modern men how to captivate a woman at dinner with their personal charm just by looking bold and presentable. Here is what the Roman poet Ovid advised in part 15 of his “Ars Amatoria.” Ovid, a … Continue reading