How Doctors Can Be More Compassionate to Patients

The lack of time, or “time famine,” is the major problem nowadays that deters us from being compassionate to others in our daily encounters. This problem also does not allow doctors to allot sufficient time to interact with patients compassionately … Continue reading

Can Sharing Bad News Improve Close Relationships?

Men and women in close relationships hope to experience joyful and optimistic times together. They are happy to share everything good that happens in their lives. The people close to them are happy to hear the good news. It is … Continue reading

How Altruistic Are Western Attitudes in Love Relationships?

The Christian ideals of agape, which have been prevalent in Western cultures, placed a greater emphasis on the value of altruistic agape love as opposed to passionate Eros love. Passionate Versus Altruistic Love On the one hand, the experience of … Continue reading