What Was Special About French Women’s and Men’s Physicality?

Many people, and anthropologists in particular, are interested in learning whether the qualities of beauty are shared by all cultures or whether they are unique to particular countries. They focus on the people’s physical constitution, bodies, and faces. They examine … Continue reading

What Are the Main World Cultures?

What are the main cultures in the world? How global are they? And how diverse are they? These are among the key questions that cross-cultural researchers may ask. The West-East dichotomy has been a classification of world cultures well-known by … Continue reading

What Makes American, French, and German Communication Styles Unique?

People from the Western cultures of the United States, France, and Germany have many common values, yet they are different in their communication styles, interpersonal interaction, and emotionality. Western and Eastern Cultures Scholars who study cultures and compare them have … Continue reading

6 Distinctive Features of the German Style of Communication

Western European societies have some similarities in cultural characteristics. This is why they belong to so-called Western cultures. However, they differ from the North American Western culture of the United States. For example, their cultural values of individualism are fairly … Continue reading

9 Features of the French Style of Communication

Several western European cultures are quite different from the North American culture of the USA. Even though they are all presumably Western cultures, they differ in several respects in communication styles. Americans are known internationally as loud, talkative, direct, and … Continue reading