How Does Cultural Power Distance Affect Societies?

People’s social relationships are hierarchically structured in many regards. Individuals’ power and status, for example, are distributed unequally in many societies. And the degree of this social inequality varies in different cultures. Power distance is a measure of how important … Continue reading

The 7 Major Cultural Values That People Across Societies Live By

Cultural values are the general and overarching aspirations and ideals that societies promote for their people. These are broad ideas of what is suitable and desirable. These are the abstract ideas of what is good and bad, what is right … Continue reading

6 Distinctive Features of the German Style of Communication

Western European societies have some similarities in cultural characteristics. This is why they belong to so-called Western cultures. However, they differ from the North American Western culture of the United States. For example, their cultural values of individualism are fairly … Continue reading

9 Features of the French Style of Communication

Several western European cultures are quite different from the North American culture of the USA. Even though they are all presumably Western cultures, they differ in several respects in communication styles. Americans are known internationally as loud, talkative, direct, and … Continue reading

Emotionally Expressive and Extraverted Americans?

North Americans from the United States have international stereotypes of being loudly talkative, very friendly to strangers, and being lively and facially expressive in conversations. How common are these communication traits among Americans as a whole? Are these actions consistent … Continue reading

The North American Style of Communication

According to cross-culturally known stereotypes, Americans are talkative, loud, and physically expressive in their communication. They prefer direct communication but are often not sensitive to indirect cues of the social context of a situation, such as double meanings, implicit messages, … Continue reading

How Do Nordic People Experience and Express Emotions?

The Nordic countries comprise Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, and some other regional territories. The countries of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are called Scandinavian societies because of their cultural similarities. So, these Scandinavian countries are parts of the Nordic region. … Continue reading

What Makes the Nordic Cultures so Unique?

The Nordic countries represent a cultural region in Northern Europe, which includes the countries of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, and some other territories. The terms “Nordic” and “Scandinavian” have been used interchangeably. Technically, these two notions overlap. Scandinavian cultures, … Continue reading

The Stories of Nigerian Love in the 1960s

The transformations of West African societies in the mid-20th century substantially changed the social conditions of people’s lives. Increasing urbanization was among those. Western cultural influences had affected the modernization of cultural life in Nigerian cities. Let us consider the … Continue reading

Romantic Love in the Taita Marriage Culture

The Taita are an East African ethnic group that has lived in Kenya for four or five hundred years. They are also known as Wadawida or Wataita. The Taita are mostly farmers who reside in the southern mountainous region of … Continue reading