Men and women tend to love humorous people and perceive them as more attractive. They feel attracted to those with a good sense of humor and consider humor a desirable trait in romantic partners during the early stages of relationships. … Continue reading
Category Archives: close relationship
How Assertion and Hesitation Help Sustain Love in Bicultural Marriages in Japan
Intercultural partners experience many challenges in building and sustaining love in bicultural marriages. In the previous article, we reviewed the key problems that Japanese and American partners encounter in their bicultural marriages. We explored those cases of third-culture marriage in … Continue reading
How Affectionate Touch Influences Our Romantic Relationships
Men and women express their love for a partner in a relationship in a variety of verbal and nonverbal ways. Affectionate touch of various kinds is among the important nonverbal channels for lovers to express love in the intimate relationships. … Continue reading
How Affectionate Touch Expresses Love to a Romantic Partner
Men and women use many verbal and nonverbal ways to express their love for a partner in a relationship. Affectionate touch of various kinds is among the major nonverbal channels to express romantic love that lovers use in their intimate … Continue reading
People of the “Dark Triad” Tend to Be Manipulative in Relationships
Many studies have shown what personality traits are attractive for a romantic relationship. However, love studies have paid much less attention to exploring personality traits that negatively affect relationships. According to recent studies, people with Dark Triad traits are more … Continue reading
How People Feel Gratitude
Being grateful makes our relationships with other people stronger. When people feel grateful, the way they feel grateful and the emotions that accompany this experience strengthen their sense of belonging to the group and their connectedness with others. What Is … Continue reading
How Gratitude Benefits Our Relationships
Gratitude benefits are culturally normative in all major cultures, which encourage people to be grateful and express their gratitude to others. The cultural norms of gratitude have been highly valued across civilizations and cultures. In the ritual of “giving thanks,” … Continue reading
“Friends with Benefits”: Single Men and Women in Relationships
Throughout the last couple of centuries, traditional ideals of romantic love have suggested people find their soul mate, marry the loved one, have children, and live happily ever after. The cultural beliefs in love marriages have long shaped people’s dreams … Continue reading
Happy People, Happy Relationships
Long-standing cultural ideologies of love have encouraged men and women to fall in love, get married, and spend their lives happily with their spouses. In recent decades, the modern culture of relationships has evolved and transformed into new forms. Traditional … Continue reading
The Need to Belong: Individual and Cultural Perspectives
The “need to belong” is, at its core, a desire to feel loved and accepted. And all men and women have such needs and strive to fulfill them in their relationships with caregivers. Infants, from the early days of their … Continue reading