How to Woo a Woman: The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Parts 13-14

Here are the simple ways to woo and seduce a woman just by being where she is and looking presentable, as the Roman poet Ovid advised Roman men in parts 13 and 14 of his “Ars Amatoria.” In the second … Continue reading

How to Make Promises of Love to Her: The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 12

The art of love is an important way to make a relationship happy for her and you. Let us look at some easy tactics to make promises of love to a woman, as the Roman poet Ovid advised Roman men … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 11, How to Be Attentive to Her

The affluence and sophistication of the Roman upper class and their amorous adventures are portrayed in Ovid’s poetry collection “Ars Amatoria.” The collection of poems, comprised of three books, was written in the second century A.D. by the Roman poet … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 10, How to Know the Maid

The three books of poetry called “Ars Amatoria,” written by the Roman poet Ovid in the second century A.D., depict the luxury and sophisticated lives of the wealthy upper class in classical Rome. Affluent people of that historic culture appreciated … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 9, How to Win Her

Ovid, the Roman poet of the second century A.D., is famous for writing “Ars Amatoria”—a set of three books of poems depicting the adventurous lives of the privileged Roman upper class in antiquity. They liked hedonistic pleasures, comfort, elegance, and … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Parts 7 and 8

The three books of “Ars Amatoria” were composed by the Roman poet Ovid around the second century A.D. It was a popular collection of poems depicting the life of the ancient Roman aristocracy. The books demonstrate that the wealthy of … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 6, Our Triumphs Are Good to Attract a Woman

The three books of “Ars Amatoria” were written around the 2nd century A.D. by the Roman poet Ovid. It was a popular collection of poems portraying the life of the aristocracy in ancient Roman culture. The books show that the … Continue reading

Search for Love at the Races or Circus

The trilogy “Ars Amatoria,” or “The Art of Love,” by Roman poet Ovid is well-known among educated people and scholars studying love. The books show how the aristocracy in the ancient Roman Empire lived a life of sophisticated style and … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 4, Search for Love at Theatre

Ovid’s trilogy “Ars Amatoria,” or The Art of Love, is well-known among love scholars for depicting the hedonistic and refined lifestyle of the aristocracy in the ancient Roman Empire at the time. The poetic words of the author offer smart … Continue reading

The Art of Making Love in Roman Culture, Part 3, Search for Love While Walking

The Roman poet Ovid is well-known among love scholars for his trilogy “Ars Amatoria” or The Art of Love. The three books of Ars Amatoria show the hedonistic and sophisticated life of the Roman aristocracy of that time. His poetic … Continue reading