Modern theories of sexual selection have stressed the importance of physical beauty for mating preferences in contemporary societies. However, according to early studies, physical appearance is of greater importance for men looking for women than for women looking for men. … Continue reading
Did Individual Preferences Play any Role in Primitive Savage Courtships?
Modern courtship and dating allow men and women to choose a mate for marriage and family life. Contemporary people may think marriage has always been this way. It may then be interesting to learn how ancient savages loved, courted, and … Continue reading
The Primitive Courtships of Savages
Courtship and dating were modern rituals that enabled men and women to choose a mate or partner for marriage and family life (Karandashev, 2017). Sometimes, one may think that these marital practices have always been this way. So, it may … Continue reading
“Capture” Type of Courtship Among Savages
Anthropologists have always been interested in whether savage people experienced love and what kinds of courtship practices and sexual relationships they had. In the 20th century, the studies of love in many remote tribal societies around the world have made … Continue reading
Love among Savages
The questions of great anthropological interest are whether the savages of the old times loved; what kind of love and sexual relations they had; and how they loved each other. Cultural anthropology of the 20th century has made tremendous progress … Continue reading
Love Is a Social Connection, even Between Zebrafish
Social connections and pair-bonding between conspecifics are widespread forms of love among humans, primates, mammals, dogs, and birds. What about fish? Here we’ll talk about the simple form of how zebrafish love their conspecifics. Is Love Simply a Connection? Some … Continue reading
What Are the Main World Cultures?
What are the main cultures in the world? How global are they? And how diverse are they? These are among the key questions that cross-cultural researchers may ask. The West-East dichotomy has been a classification of world cultures well-known by … Continue reading
How Different Are the Irish and Scandinavian Styles of Interpersonal Interactions?
Irish and Scandinavian cultures have something in common between them, as well as with other Western cultures. Yet, people differ in their styles of interpersonal interaction and emotionality. Western and Eastern Societies Scholars who study cultures and compare them have … Continue reading
What Makes American, French, and German Communication Styles Unique?
People from the Western cultures of the United States, France, and Germany have many common values, yet they are different in their communication styles, interpersonal interaction, and emotionality. Western and Eastern Cultures Scholars who study cultures and compare them have … Continue reading
6 Features of the Irish Expressive Style of Communication
Western European cultures are similar to each other in their “Western” cultural features (Karandashev, 2021a). Nevertheless, they are diverse within western Europe. Despite the fact that they are all allegedly Western cultures, their expressive styles vary in a number of … Continue reading