Challenges to Being Open in Online Dating Apps

Online dating apps assist people to connect with each other, and individuals pursue their own motivations, whether for sex, love, intimacy, or any other kind of interpersonal motivation. Do people use dating apps for love or for sex? Many men … Continue reading

Modern Intimate Practices in Online Dating Apps

According to previous research on online dating app practices, there are two groups of users. Some are seeking casual sex, while others are seeking a committed relationship, as an imposed normative framework suggests. Intimate Relationships in Online-Mediated Cultures Sociologists have … Continue reading

How Our Personal Values Affect Our Love and Romantic Relationships

Men and women tend to attribute the problems to their partner’s shortcomings when they encounter difficulties in their romantic relationships. Sometimes, we may acknowledge that our personal values, individual characteristics, and behaviors also affect the quality of our relationships. Is … Continue reading

A New Study on the Importance of Affectionate Touch in Romantic Love

Touch is an important way people communicate love and intimacy in romantic relationships. Affectionate touch, such as hugging, stroking, and kissing, is common worldwide. Romantic partners across many cultures frequently use affectionate touch to express their love for a romantic … Continue reading

How Affectionate Touch Influences Our Romantic Relationships

Men and women express their love for a partner in a relationship in a variety of verbal and nonverbal ways. Affectionate touch of various kinds is among the important nonverbal channels for lovers to express love in the intimate relationships. … Continue reading

How Affectionate Touch Expresses Love to a Romantic Partner

Men and women use many verbal and nonverbal ways to express their love for a partner in a relationship. Affectionate touch of various kinds is among the major nonverbal channels to express romantic love that lovers use in their intimate … Continue reading

How You Feel You Are Loved

How do you feel you are loved? Do you? Professor Mengya Xia and her colleagues from the University of Alabama recently conducted an interesting exploratory study on the core elements of love across family, romantic, and friend relationships. This research … Continue reading

Studies Show That Gratitude Is Good for Our Well-Being

In several other articles on this blog, I wrote about gratitude, how people feel gratitude, how they practice gratitude, and how gratitude is beneficial for people, their well-being, and their relationships. Gratitude and altruistic love are omnipotent across many cultures. … Continue reading

A Distinctive Smell Influences Our Emotions and Love

Smell is the most mysterious of the five senses, with an evocative power that can transfer us to different times, places, emotional states, and even the state of love. The scent of a particular perfume has a distinctive smell that … Continue reading

Love and Loving in Middle-Class Pakistan

The article by Ammara Maqsood, Associate Professor in Social Anthropology at University College London, tells us the modern story of love in Pakistan and how modern urban women manage their desire for love in Pakistan. Traditional marriages in Pakistan are … Continue reading