Experiences and Expressions of Love: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Love Studies, 14-16 March 2025

Authors: Sandra Langeslag, Daniela Zibenberg, Charles Hill, Yuan Zhang, Saida Heshmati, Rashmi Singla, Irene Teulings, Fan Yang, Gabriele Rosato, Míša Hejná, Lucy Glasspool, Takanobu Watabe. PDF Version. The conference sought to embrace diversity in love research across disciplines and cultures, … Continue reading

How Passionate Love Emerges from Arousal

Here is a psychophysiological secret about why we fall in love with someone at first sight. It happens in special circumstances of autonomic arousal and the exciting context of a situation. In the appropriate conditions, the extrinsic arousal effect transforms … Continue reading

The Ideal Beauty of the Petite Body Type

According to Henry Finck’s opinion, there is substantial evidence that cultural evolution and sexual selection throughout history favored the petite body type of a woman’s beauty (Henry Finck, 1887/2019, p. 518). The Distinctive Body of the Amazons in Ancient Greece … Continue reading

What Aphrodisiacs Are and What They Do for Love

Aphrodisiacs are substances and foods that heighten erotic arousal, sexual attraction, and pleasure in love and sexual relations. Aphrodisiacs can enhance the sensual pleasure that both men and women get from their sexual relationships. The term “aphrodisiacs” comes from the … Continue reading

The Use of Aphrodisiacs in Sex and Love Affairs Across Cultures

Men and women have used aphrodisiacs to increase erotic attraction, arousal, and sexual pleasure in love affairs for many centuries and in many different cultures around the world. What Aphrodisiacs Are and What They Do for Love Aphrodisiacs are foods … Continue reading

What Is Sexual Love?

Many scholars and laypeople consider sex, sexual love, and erotic love as synonyms. Yet it is not exactly correct to equate these concepts. Why so? Because they mean different things, and researchers should distinguish between them (Karandashev, 2022). Yes, sexual … Continue reading

What Is Erotic Love?

What is love? What is sex? What is sexual love? And what is erotic love? For love studies to be truly scientific, there are a lot of scholarly questions that need to be answered. As I noted in another article, … Continue reading

Love in Marital Relationships in Africa in the 20th Century

Africa is one of the most culturally diverse regions in the world. For centuries, people from many different cultures have lived side by side in close proximity, still maintaining their cultural values, beliefs, norms, and practices. The differences occur not … Continue reading

Physically Attractive Men and Women in Different Cultures

Many men and women expect to get into mating or sexual relationships with partners who are “physically attractive,” “looking good enough,” or at least “not bad looking.” Many cultures recognize the cultural significance of women’s feminine beauty to men. Nevertheless, … Continue reading

Does Physical Beauty Matter for Sexual Attraction?

Many people in the world are obsessed with the desire to look beautiful. The ideas of beauty and physical attractiveness have been persistent in art, sculpture, poetry, and songs throughout centuries of human civilization. In recent times, books, magazines, movies, … Continue reading