Why Is Gratitude Important?

Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It entails recognizing and appreciating the people and what they do for us. It is the appreciation for whatever our lives bring us. Gratitude makes us feel better and lifts our mood. … Continue reading

The Need to Belong and Love

Everyone has a “need for love” of some kind. For women and men who believe that love is bonding, the “need to belong” is basically the “need for love.” Those who have a strong desire to belong to a group … Continue reading

The Ideal Beauty of the Petite Body Type

According to Henry Finck’s opinion, there is substantial evidence that cultural evolution and sexual selection throughout history favored the petite body type of a woman’s beauty (Henry Finck, 1887/2019, p. 518). The Distinctive Body of the Amazons in Ancient Greece … Continue reading

The Beauty of Andalusian Women

Many anthropologists and travelers commented on the remarkable beauty of Spanish men and women. In particular, foreign visitors mention their black eyes, which along with long black eyelashes make Spanish women incredibly beautiful. “Spain’s dark-glancing daughters” are stunning in their … Continue reading

Foreigners Admire Beautiful Spanish Women

The physiognomy of faces, their shape and color, and the shape and complexion of bodies are fascinating and frequently contested topics in anthropological discussions of national physical beauty. The beauty of Spanish men and women astounded many anthropologists, tourists, and … Continue reading

The Remarkable Spanish Beauty

Anthropologists have been long interested in exploring the physicality of personal beauty by examining the physiognomy of faces, their shape and color, as well as the expressions on people’s faces. They emphasized the special anthropological features of certain nationalities. International … Continue reading

Beautiful Black Eyes of Spanish Women

Exploring the physicality of personal beauty, anthropologists look at the physiognomy of faces, their shape and color, as well as the expressions on people’s faces. The remarkable beauty of Spanish women and men became a topic of special interest for … Continue reading

Cultural Evolution of Spanish Beauty

Many people, especially anthropologists, want to know if the characteristics of beauty are cross-culturally universal or they are culturally specific to certain nations.  The attributes of special scholarly interest are people’s physicality, including various features of their faces and bodies. … Continue reading

What Was Special About French Women’s and Men’s Physicality?

Many people, and anthropologists in particular, are interested in learning whether the qualities of beauty are shared by all cultures or whether they are unique to particular countries. They focus on the people’s physical constitution, bodies, and faces. They examine … Continue reading

French Beauty in the 19th Century

Many people, and anthropologists especially, are curious whether the features of beauty are universal across cultures or are culturally specific to certain nations. They pay attention to faces and bodies. They look at the form, complexion, expressiveness, and physiognomy of … Continue reading