How Online Dating Changed Cross-Cultural Love and Relationships

The last several decades have witnessed the emergence and extensive development of dating websites. This progress greatly changed the way partners meet, love, and how their relationships evolve. How Dating Websites Emerged and Expanded It may look surprising that the … Continue reading

Humor Helps Maintain Love Relationships

Men and women tend to love humorous people and perceive them as more attractive. They feel attracted to those with a good sense of humor and consider humor a desirable trait in romantic partners during the early stages of relationships. … Continue reading

Love Songs Are Not Universal Across Cultures

Music seems a universal language of love, and love songs are cross-culturally recognizable and understandable. The writer John Anderer illustrates that it might be right to refer to the iconic song “Love Will Tear Us Apart,” a song by English … Continue reading

How Assertion and Hesitation Help Sustain Love in Bicultural Marriages in Japan

Intercultural partners experience many challenges in building and sustaining love in bicultural marriages. In the previous article, we reviewed the key problems that Japanese and American partners encounter in their bicultural marriages. We explored those cases of third-culture marriage in … Continue reading

How Japanese and Americans Sustain Love in Bicultural Marriages in Japan

Intercultural lovers experience many challenges in attempts to build bicultural marriages. In this article, we consider the key issues that arise in the dozens of bicultural marriages we have known through observation of interactions and interviews in Japan. We clarify … Continue reading

Love After Loss in Otherworldly Venice

Two loving persons, John and Laura. experienced a big tragedy—the tragic loss of their beloved daughter. Their love seems to have cracked after this tragic event. Can their love after loss still be restored? Loss after loss can be partially … Continue reading

The Courage to Love

Sometimes love requires strong actions. When we love someone, it is easy to mistake the respect we feel we should have towards the other person’s choices, with cowardice and fear. In the case of parental love, for instance, it is … Continue reading

What Can Our Body Language Tell Us About Love and Relationship?

The popular scientific and self-help publications widely advise us about our body language and what it tells us about our feelings, attitudes, and love. How valid are all these advices? Subtle facial and bodily movements are often cited as giveaways … Continue reading

Why People Love Romantic Comedies

Why are romantic comedies so popular among people? Do their narratives reflect men’s and women’s love? Romantic comedies, also known as rom-coms, are among the most popular film genres. However, they have often been criticized for not being serious enough … Continue reading

Mobility of Intimate Relationships in Online Dating Apps

Online dating applications facilitate interpersonal connections between individuals, enabling them to pursue various motivations, such as seeking sexual encounters, romantic relationships, emotional intimacy, or other forms of interpersonal connections. Many women and men feel ambiguity regarding the opportunities associated with … Continue reading