What Kind of Partners Do Men and Women Prefer to Love and Marry?

Would you marry someone who is beautiful or handsome, kind, smart, honest, dependable, and industrious, as well as having many other qualities you desire in a mate, but you are not in love with her or him? What do men … Continue reading

How Mate Preferences Have Changed Over Recent Decades

Common laypeople’s observations may show that human mate preferences remain consistent over time. Have mating preferences changed over recent decades? Nevertheless, the changes in society’s cultural norms still affected mating preferences. In many countries, societies have evolved: People in modernized … Continue reading

Sexy Voice for Interpersonal Attraction

Multisensory perception is important for interpersonal attraction and love. And women and men who are physically attractive may appear differently in different cultures. Men and women not only look at their partners with admiration but also come closer, speak, sing, … Continue reading

Attractive Personality Traits for Relationship

Several articles on this blog have covered a wide range of physical and socioeconomic characteristics that people in various cultures search for in potential mating partners. The last article demonstrated how the stereotype “what-is-beautiful-is-good” makes us believe in many other … Continue reading

What Physical Attractiveness Tells about Personality Traits

We like to talk to and have a relationship with beautiful and physically attractive men and women. Their physical attractiveness is pleasant for interpersonal communication. What is their personality like? Do pleasant or unpleasant personality traits predispose us to perceive … Continue reading

The Culturally High Emotional Expressiveness of Love

The studies presented in this article show that high levels of emotional expressiveness have become culturally normative forms of self-expression in modern societies. Multiple studies throughout the decades have reported numerous cross-cultural findings on how physical types of appearance, such … Continue reading

The Culturally Low-Expressed Emotion of Love

This article presents the findings of multiple studies on how low levels of expressed emotion are culturally typical for people in traditional collectivistic societies. Other articles on this website have presented an abundance of cross-cultural findings on the physical traits—face, … Continue reading

Cultural Beauty and Body Modification

Obsession with physical appearance and body beautification has become extremely popular among many people in many cultural groups across the world. In some societies, people are more obsessed with their physical beauty than in others. Even though women traditionally care … Continue reading

Western Beauty Standards in Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Do modern people place the same value on the physical attractiveness of prospective partners as previous generations? Do they look at and value their beauty the same way as in the past? In Western European and North American media, modern … Continue reading