Conceptual and Linguistic Research on Love: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Love Studies

Authors: Victor Karandashev, Bala Tsakuwa, Róbert Bohát, Hannah Vanden Broucke, Iryna Pinich, Nelly Tincheva. The conference aimed to advance diversity in love research across disciplines and cultures, highlighting the importance of international collaboration and the integration of ideas from various … Continue reading

Milk Jug Symbolizes Love among the Turkana People

PDF version A milk jug is an object with an evident utilitarian function—consumption. However, the Turkana women cherish the milk jug as an aesthetic object. What is so special about milk and the milk jug? The Multivocality of Symbols Symbols … Continue reading

How the Australian Bullroarer Invokes the Happiness of Sexual Love

PDF version Aboriginal Australians had a longstanding belief that tjurunga—the bullroarer—brings happiness in life and lovemaking. Why so and how? Over years, anthropologists explored the rituals associated with these culturally symbolic objects. What is the Bullroarer? The bullroarer is a … Continue reading

How You Feel You Are Loved

How do you feel you are loved? Do you? Professor Mengya Xia and her colleagues from the University of Alabama recently conducted an interesting exploratory study on the core elements of love across family, romantic, and friend relationships. This research … Continue reading

How People Experience the Meaning of Gratitude

Reciprocal giving and receiving have the adaptive function of creating interpersonal obligations and maintaining personal bonding between people. In another place, I talked more about what gratitude is and why it is important in our lives. However, the meaning of … Continue reading

“Friends with Benefits”: Single Men and Women in Relationships

Throughout the last couple of centuries, traditional ideals of romantic love have suggested people find their soul mate, marry the loved one, have children, and live happily ever after. The cultural beliefs in love marriages have long shaped people’s dreams … Continue reading

Why Is Gratitude Important?

Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It entails recognizing and appreciating the people and what they do for us. It is the appreciation for whatever our lives bring us. Gratitude makes us feel better and lifts our mood. … Continue reading

The Need to Belong and Love

Everyone has a “need for love” of some kind. For women and men who believe that love is bonding, the “need to belong” is basically the “need for love.” Those who have a strong desire to belong to a group … Continue reading

What Is Unique About Italian Typological Beauty?

Many Italians believe their people are the most beautiful compared to other cultures and other regions of their own country. The Milanese, for example, claim that the men and women in their cities are the most beautiful. But the Venetians, … Continue reading

Italian Beauty: The 19th Century’s View

The question of research interest is whether the standards of beauty are cross-culturally universal or culturally specific to certain nations. Let us investigate the archival legacy of love scholarship (Finck, 1887/2019).  Let us look at how Henry Finck and other … Continue reading