Men Should Be Sensible, Not Asking a Woman About Her Age

The questions of love attract an enduring interest of men and women in the modern world across many cultures. Love has become a popular topic of contemporary research. It is also not surprising that love has been on the minds … Continue reading

The Art of Love Is to Be Wise—Don’t Mention Her Faults

In the first century BCE, Ovid wrote his three famous books, “Ars Amatoria.” “The Art of Love” poems by Ovid painted a fascinating picture of the decadent and fashionable lives of the Roman upper class. He assisted upper-class Roman men … Continue reading

The Art of Love for a Man Is to Keep His Love Affair Secret

Ovid wrote his three famous books, “Ars Amatoria,” in the first century BCE. Ovid’s poems in “The Art of Love” painted a fascinating picture of the decadent and fashionable life of the Roman upper class. He helped men and women … Continue reading

A Man Should Respect Her Freedom in the Art of Love

In the first century BCE, Ovid wrote his remarkable verses, “Ars Amatoria.” In his three books of “The Art of Love,” Ovid presented a captivating portrayal of the decadent and stylish life of aristocracy in Roman society. He guided men … Continue reading

Men Should Be Wise and Ready to Suffer in Love

Ovid wrote the poetry of “Ars Amatoria” in the 1st century BCE. He presented a captivating portrayal of the hedonistic and refined life of aristocracy in Roman culture in three books of “The Art of Love.” He guided Roman men … Continue reading

Ovid Advised Men to Stir Her Jealousy in Their Art of Love

The three books of Ovid’s poems “Ars Amatoria” taught Roman men and women the art of love. Over the centuries, his clever love suggestions have been passed down through generations and across cultures. Ovid’s poetry educated Romans of affluent social … Continue reading

Ovid Advised Men: Have Other Friends, but Be Careful

The three books of “Ars Amatoria” by Roman poet Ovid taught men and women the art of love. His clever love suggestions have been passed down through generations and across cultures over the centuries. The poetry of Ovid taught Roman … Continue reading

Let Her Miss You, but Not for Long

Ovid’s three poetic books of “Ars Amatoria” taught Roman men and women how to master the art of love. In the centuries since, his astute love advice has been passed down through generations and across cultures. Ovid’s poetry taught both … Continue reading

You Must Favor Her, Complement Her, and Comfort Her in Sickness to Win Her Love

The three poetic books of Ovid’s “Ars Amatoria” taught men and women of the Roman Empire how to master the art of love. His astute love advice has been passed down through the generations and across different cultures in the … Continue reading

Do Not Be Faint-Hearted, Win Over the Servants, and Give Little Gifts, as Ovid Taught

The three poetic books of Ovid’s “Ars Amatoria” provided guidance on how to master the art of love for the men and women of the Roman Empire. His clever love advice has been passed down from generation to generation. His … Continue reading